Olympic & Paralympic Development Program

Olympic & Paralympic Development Program

Designed as a comprehensive under 19/under 23 pathway to the national team, the USRowing "Pathways" program underscores our dedication to nurturing American rowing talent and provides the resources, coaching, and development pathways required to empower our athletes to become the best in the world. 
Mission and Vision

"Pathways" embodies a vision of holistic athlete development and international competitive success. It aspires to offer an integrated pathway for U19 and U23 athletes, enabling them to represent the United States on the global stage. The program places equal emphasis on long-term athlete development and competitive excellence, reflecting USRowing's broader mission. The "Pathways" program seeks to provide emerging athletes with a well-defined route and the foundation needed for international achievement. It prioritizes transparency, collaboration, and education, aiming to promote not only athletic success but also personal growth.

The Four Pillars/Tenets of "Pathways"

  1. Building on Systems: "Pathways" recognizes that rowing excellence is the result of collective efforts and values the development of robust systems to support athletes and coaches.
    • What does this look like? Within "Pathways," this pillar is manifested in the deliberate cultivation of systems and structures that support athlete development. This includes standardized coaching methodologies, training regimens, and performance evaluation criteria that are consistently applied to all participants and stem from the Chief High Performance Officer. 
  2. Prioritizing Communication and Transparency: The program is built on open and candid communication aimed at keeping athletes, coaches, and stakeholders informed and engaged.
    • What does this look like? Transparent reporting mechanisms are used to maintain an open dialogue, ensuring that everyone is engaged and aware of their journey. This includes accurate information on USRowing's website, consistent coach and athlete communication, and informational meetings/webinars for key stakeholders.
  3. Educating Through Information Sharing and Collaboration: "Pathways" seeks to create a platform for ongoing learning and improvement, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and experiences.
    • What does this look like? "Pathways" is committed to creating an ecosystem where knowledge is shared freely. Coaches, athletes, and support staff collaborate to exchange insights, best practices, and innovations. Workshops, seminars, and mentorship programs are employed to foster continuous learning and professional growth.
  4. Developing Opportunities for Coaches and Athletes: The "Pathways" team is dedicated to fostering an environment that supports the growth and development of both coaches and athletes.
    • What does this look like: The "Pathways" program seeks to create a rich environment for coaches and athletes alike. Coaches have access to mentorship and professional development opportunities, while athletes benefit from specialized training, individualized performance plans, and resources designed to help them reach their fullest potential.

The Path Forward

To learn more about Pathways and the camps USRowing offers to support it, please visit our U19 and U23 National Team pages.

U19 National Team

U23 National Team

Athletes with Para Eligibility

Athletes with an eligible physical or visual impairment for Paralympic rowing are welcome to fill out the Athlete Form. Submissions will be reviewed by USRowing Para Talent ID and Development Coaches. Â